Good evening everyone. My name is Joshua McMahon. I am the son of Raymond McMahon, who is the Pastor of Praise, Power & Prayer Temple in Windsor, CT. I am the producer of Jesus Is Our Shepherd, which airs on 22 Stations every week throughout the United States.
Jesus Is Our Shepherd radio broadcasts have been focused for the past several years on the topic of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. Archived broadcasts can be found at I intend to be a voice for the younger generation, the product of my parent's generation which demanded to be loosed from God's covenant.
Now it is time for those who seek God in my generation to take a stand. Stand for the covenant between Christ and his church. My posts will directly address many aspects of the Divorce and Remarriage discussion. That which I will write is nothing new. I will use the Word of God as my resource. If you are looking for a Bibliography, the Bible is it's fullest extent. Any other author that I reference has either received his understanding from the Word, or perhaps distorted the Word to match his understanding.
We will try the opinions of man against the immutable truth of God.
I cannot promise a post every night, but I will attempt to communicate at least weekly. I hope to start at the very beginning, the conception of the marriage narrative, and move forward through time. We will walk through the scriptures, and discuss what attempts have been made to alter the covenant, in order to reveal God's unchanging heart for the Bride of Christ.
"This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." - Ephesians 5:32
Amen, Joshua!